
Loan for supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), according to the SMEs Promotion Policy of BYB:

This loan type aims to support the investment of SMEs’ businesses such as the loan that is requested for starting up the business, the business expansion, as working capital of SMEs that have been established and executed under the law of the Lao PDR. All loan applications will be considered under loan appraisal criteria of BYB, subjected to the business performance of SMEs.

  • Types of Loan for SMEs: Normal loan for business and revolving loan
  • The tenor of loans: 2 years (Can extension the contract)
  • Loan purposes: SMEs that operate in the production of commercial goods, trades, services and expand enterprise

Document requires for SMEs loan application: SMEs:

  • Loan application form of BYB (Provided by BYB)
  • A copy of the business license, a copy of the current tax certificate, a copy of other licenses associated to the business sectors.
  • A copy of Identity card / Family book
  • Financial statements of the business
  • Business plan of customer’s business
  • A copy of collateral certificate: Land title
  • Any photos of business and collateral

 Medium-Term Loans

NameMedium-Term Loans
DescriptionA loan where repayments are made over a period of between one and five years is aimed to support working capital revolving and liquidity to business operations, such as purchasing raw materials, equipment or wages, etc
  • Keep supporting Liquidity in Business Operations
  • Raise Capital and deal with Competitions
  • Possible Revenue Growth by increasing investments
  • Low Interest Rate
  • Split Repayments can be made over a period, based on Borrowers’ Cash Inflows
Types of Loans
  •  Revolving and Normal Loan
Currency Lending
  • LAK, USD (depending on currency of borrowers’ income)
Loan Sizes
  • the size of the loan allowed depends on your needs, the ability to grow your revenues, collateral value and considerations from the bank
  • Duration: 2 - 6 years
Interest Rates
 Interest Rate per annum
  • AAA: a short-term obligation rated ‘AAA’ is rated in the highest category assigned to a borrower who has an exceptional degree of credit worthiness and can easily meet its financial commitments. To be rated ‘AAA’, a customer who used to obtain loans from BYB must have a trustfulness, good performance, sufficient collateral and also comply with all aspects of loan terms and conditions
  • AA: a short-term obligation rated ‘AA’ is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher rating categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is satisfactory. To be rated ‘AA’, A customer, who does not have a history of borrowings from BYB or already has a good payment history, has a good performance and sufficient collateral
  • A: a short-term obligation rated ‘A’ adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. To be rated ‘A’, a customer does not have a history of borrowings or already has a good payment history, but insufficient collateral and not complies with loan terms and conditions
  • Good Relationships with the bank. Also, character equates to willingness. This could be willingness to provide relevant information and more importantly willingness to pay
  • Good payment history
  • • Stable income sources with their transactions any bank and Documents to certify imcome
  • Individuals or corporations who are honest and residing in Lao PDR
Loan Documentation

1. Loan Request Letter (Visit to BYB)

2. Legal Documents for Business

  • Business License (Copy)
  • Last-year Tax Certificate (Copy)
  • Other licenses associated with different business entities (Copy)

3. Identity Documents

  • ID (Copy)
  • Family Book (Copy)
  • Passport (Copy) if have

4. Corporate Governance Documents

  • Organization Structure (Copy)
  • Regulations (Copy)
  • Shareholders Agreement (Copy)
  • Joint Venture or Partnership Agreement (Copy)

5. Financial Documents

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement 2 years back
  • Record Account Transactions (Copy)
  •  Business Proposal (if new Business/ Business Growth)
  • ບົດ​ວິພາກ ​ເສດຖະກິດ ( ກໍລະນີ​​​ໂຄ​ງການ​ໃໝ່​ ຫຼື ​   ເປັນ​ການ​ຂະຫຍາຍ​ທຸລະ​ກິດ).

6. Collateral

  • Land Title (Copy)
  • Deposit Bank Account (Copy)

7. Other relevant documents required by the bank